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The Future of Communication.

April 9, 2013

Lecture 3: There were a few points that resonated with me as we journeyed through the history of printing, from Chinese block printing to the creation of data.
Interesting points in the lecture referred to the complexity of the original printing process – to print one book was excruciatingly time-consuming. This forced me to think if we are reaching our full potential…we seem to have a bountiful supply of resources and technologies, yet our society seems to be less creatively resourceful as we have become highly dependent on our technologies.
We now have a completely different approach to the way we do things; the way we organise our own data and how we rely on certain technologies morphs the process of how we think.
Human nature desires habit and I believe everything we do as separate societies over time is generated in a cycle. For example, scrolls were innovative at the time yet dysfunctional and inefficient – whereas the Codex (the book) established this missing order and organisation. The Ipad is almost like a modern scroll – the organisation is misplaced almost.
In relation to the video (uploaded by Eduardo Giansante on Youtube) it is a “supposed” timeline of what our future may look like and how laws will be abolished due to the changing demographics and technologies. There are a few things that I do not believe are accurate in the video – he mentioned that advertisement has “vanished” in the new media and we all know how incredibly false this is as we are constantly bombarded with advertisements (I think if you watch the video, there will probably be a 30 second ad. before it even starts). Instead of vanished, advertising has prospered in certain ways and almost dominated our media – yet it is primarily controlled by those with money/power.
The ASSEMBLAGE of our future is happening as we speak (or read) with our technological advancements morphing the process of publishing.

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  1. I am quite new to this so I am unsure of what this comment means. Thanks for taking the time to read this blog though

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